R3 Aesthetics | Milton Keynes

Chemical peel aftercare

22nd December 2019

Chemical peel, or face peel, treatment is the act of applying a solution to the skin that helps to remove the surface layer of the skin to get rid of any dead skin cells. This treatment reduces visible signs of skin ageing, acne and discolouration. It helps to target areas with wrinkles and fine lines, scaring and sun damage. Once you have received the treatment, there are some steps that you need to know to help with the aftercare of your skin – and our skin clinic, here in Milton Keynes, is ready to help.

Wash your face with cool water

As face peels remove the top layer of skin, your skin at the beginning may feel a little sensitive to very high temperatures. To help soothe the face, it’s best to use slightly warm water or cool water. This helps to tighten your pores and keep your skin hydrated. Our team at R3 Aesthetics here in Milton Keynes can advise you on which skincare products you can uses when washing your face.


To protect the new layer of skin that has been unveiled with the face peel treatment, it’s important to keep that skin protected with a light to medium moisturiser. As the skin reacts to the treatment over time your skin will start to flake. Moisturiser helps to prevent dryness and moisture loss in skin so, don’t be afraid to add a little extra moisturiser to your skincare routine at this point.

Apply an SPF

As the new layer of skin is fresh and possibly a little sensitive, it’s advised to apply an SPF to protect your skin from sun exposure and sun damage. This is especially important in the weeks following your face peel, so your skin can heal naturally with no interferences, such as blotchy patches and irregular skin tone.

Don’t apply makeup  

It’s most sensible to avoid using any make-up products while your skin is still healing. This gives the skin chance to breathe and repair at its natural rate. By applying make-up, this could possibly aggravate the skin and clog those fresh pores that have only just been exposed. Show off your natural beauty for a little while and let the healing process do it’s thing.


If you’re considering refreshing your skin or are trying to improve your skin’ overall appearance, then our amazing face peel treatment might just be the thing you need. Contact us at R3 Aesthetics to book your first appointment and while you wait, why not check out our facial peel page.